Monday, March 24, 2014

Randomness from September 2013

Momma and Miss Party.  We had a tea party and decorated party hats.  It turned out so cute and it was super easy.
Brynnlee loves to put her hair in a pony tail.  I just can't get the concept across that she only needs to use one elastic.
This is what I took out of her hair.  Her poor hair is so thin and fragile anyway, this does not help at all.
Just because he is cute.
Bs could sit outside and chalk paint all day.  She comes in a mess but hey it works and it is washable.
Sally is Bs best friend and they love to do each others hair.  Cute girls. 
Boston loves being outside.  Indy is very protective and is never far away.  Boston has learned to move/throw the ball and Indy brings it right back.  Keeps them both entertained for awhile. 
Three amigos!
We love the swings at Grandpa and Grandma Parry's.

Boston is a nightmare around laundry.  I can't get anything done unless he is asleep and then I have to hurry and fold and put them away because he is a terror.
Picking peaches with Dad in the church orchard and Lexie found some of my old Beehives.

These girls better be some great cooks when they grow up because they insist on helping me with everything I do.

He screams and cries at the door until someone lets him outside or lets Indy in the house.
Hanging out with Grandpa Parry in the hospital.  He had a little hard episode and had to stay in for a couple days.  Bs loves her Grandpa.

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