Friday, April 5, 2013

Brynnlee's Obsessions

Brynnlee is my little OCD girl.  She likes things a certain way and it has to be that way.  She gets obsessed with things and there is no compromise!  She has always loved clothes and shoes, but she gets obsessed with one shirt or outfit and wears it everyday.  It started with her pink BYU jersey.  Then it moved to her 'owl' shirt now it is this cute 'Minnie' outfit my mom bought for her.  She wears it to school and to bed and then wants to wear it to school again.  We have many battles and sometimes she wins and sometimes I win.   Some days it isn't even worth the fight.  So yes I am one of those moms who lets her kid wear the same thing over and over.  Hey I can admit it and am ok with it, because I have one happy girl!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me laugh, totally how Addy was, and they don't really outgrow those traits! So funny!
