Wednesday, February 27, 2013


We went with Morris and Janeen to the U of U gymnastics meet.  Again the girls were excited.  Brynnlee danced and yelled and sang through the whole meet.  Lexie watched off and on and only danced when she could possible win something.  We had a great night.

Showing her U

Presidents Day/St. George

For President's Day we headed to St. George.  We all needed a break from this awful weather and this was the perfect time.  The kids and I went to see Randi's new house and visit while JD was in training on Friday and then we drove down that night.  The next day we went swimming and to the park.  We ate yummy food as usual and watch a really dumb movie.  The weather was so warm we sat outside waiting to be seated at every restaurant.  
Casey and Tina entertained the kids while waiting at Chili's.
Lexie and Payton kissing the frogs.
Lexie running through water trying not to get wet, she didn't succeed.
Lazy Bs relaxing in the sun.
Boston chilling at the park.
Crazy girls

Another course for wiggle car races!
This was true Mario cart racing with tunnel and all!
Cutest face ever!
We enjoyed a lot of park time.

Valentines Day

Started off with pink heart shaped french toast.
She wasn't quite sure about the color but was ok once she tried them.
Valentine picture.
My 3 little monkeys.  This is what I get when no bribe is involved.
Indy got a bath and pink bandana for Vday (not from me of course).  The girls and JD took her to get a bath.
Brynnlee got this lip whistle from her teacher.  
JD brought roses and chocolate home from Larry's for the girls.  Spoiled little girls.
We ended the night with another Weber State game.  Again we had free tickets and knew the kids would love it.

We invited JD's family to our Valentine outing!
Ellie and Lexie

Grandma V

Grandma V had her 89th birthday.  We went for a quick visit.  She is such a sweet lady, always makes sure you never leave her house without candy.

Weber State

We had free tickets to the Weber State Basketball game.  I painted the girls cheeks to get the excited.  I didn't know a little paint would work so well!  We arrived early enough that we received free t-shirts!  Brynnlee and Lexie danced every time music came on.  Lexie went down and sat with JD's aunt and uncle court side.  She was in heaven.  They were so sweet with her.  She got a ball, towel, popcorn and brownies.  

Tub Time

Brynnlee insists on getting in the tub with Boston but then gets mad that he splashes her.  Lexie had the great idea of goggles.  Best tub time ever!

Red Rocks

Morris and Janeen let us have their tickets to the U of U gymnastic meet.  The girls were beyond excited.   We were late  getting there due to really bad roads and a nasty snow storm.  But we made it.   Lexie wants to be a Red Rock when she grows up.  Brynnlee loved the music and went crazy when the band would play.  Boston just chilled and took it all in.

Random pictures from January and February

Boston is the happiest most content baby ever.  We love him so much.  You look at him or talk to him and he  is so quick to smile and laugh.  He is my dream baby.
Boston never gets left alone.  With two miniature moms that are so much help.  He doesn't even get to lay on the floor by himself.
Indy and JD went snowshoeing.  Indy loved it!
Tired of winter and keeping the girls in the house.  Tired of my house looking like this.
Brynnlee hiding under the craft table using Lexie's glue!
Love when friends come to play.
Air Boston 
Family Night Jello slurping contest
Lazy mornings 
Happy Baby
Finally another jersey to wear.  Her BYU has almost had it.

Look mom I did my own makeup
Girls night out (with Boston).  Dad went to the Jazz game.
Lexie enjoying the molten Lava cake at Chilis.
Did I mention he is a happy baby?
Brynnlee loves getting her picture taken with Boston.
Brynnlee put the puzzle together all by herself.
Big helper.
Aunt Tori cut her hair and gave her bangs.
Trying to sleigh ride in our driveway.  Did last very long.
The face I get when I put him to sleep every night.
Went to visit Crystal and her kids.  Brynnlee surprisingly got along with Paxton.